COURSE OBJECTIVES: The course focuses on the history of Greek Theatre from the Renaissance to 1830 and on the plays of the same period. Major plays to be analyzed include Erofili and Panoria by G. Chortatzis and Chassis by D. Gouzelis. References will be made in the discussion of these plays to their dramaturgical antecedents as well as to relevant European intellectual and artistic movements. The basic objective of this course is to introduce students to the basic informations and problems of the Greek Theatre of this period, as also to prepare them to be able to analyze in a satisfactory way the texts of the plays.
LEARNING OUTCOMES: Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to: define and analyze the basic notions of the theory and history of theatre, define basic notions of history and civilisation, distinguish the dramatic genres, their characteristics and differences, analyze the dramatic techniques, organize the presentation of a play, compare the periods of the Modern Greek Theatre and their characteristics till 1830, conquer a total conception for the evolution of the Modern Greek Theatre till 1830.